how to reduce traffic congestions?
Everyone wants to commute from office to home and vice versa quickly, but it won’t happen. Traffic congestion happens due to a demand-supply gap in the transportation network of our country. Traffic flow slows down when the number of vehicles moving on the road increases or the roadway capacity decreases for various reasons.
Heavy traffic hits the growth and performance of the employees who live far away from their offices. They are wasting their energies in traffic, so their productivity might be hampered in the first half. Most companies have observed that in the lockdown period or Work From Home, productivity of the employees has increased.
Most of the roads in Metro Cities are flooded with two and four vehicles during peak hours. As we are all aware, Delhi-NCR is the most polluted region in India.
The distance of 17 Km from home to office will take 45 minutes to cover. Why? What is the reason? Who is responsible for this?
We are the reason for this heavy traffic and road congestion. I have observed that on the road while commuting to the office, roads have enough space to travel. If a single person is travelling in a car who has occupied the space of four persons out of which 3 persons’ space has been wasted. As commuting by car increases, then air pollution also increases. Two wheelers emit less smoke than a car and fuel efficiency is also better, which is more pocket friendly.
Some solutions to avoid this traffic congestion:
We all enjoyed the clean and clear air during the lockdown period when the offices and factories were closed. There is no harm in sharing your car with neighbors or colleagues. Please share your views on the same in the comment box.
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