सूर्य की विषम स्थितियाँ जब भी सूर्य नीच का या पाप ग्रहों से संबंधित अथवा शत्रु स्थान में स्थित होता है तो उस समय अति कष्टदायक सिद्ध होता है और अनेक रोगों का कारण होता है | सूर्य को अन्य विषम स्थितियों इस प्रकार हो सकती है- सूर्य के प्रभाव से होने वाले रोग जब सूर्य रोग कारक होता है तो वह निम्नलिखित रोगों की संभावना होती है पित्त, उष्णज्वर, शरीर में जलन, हृदय रोग, नेत्र रोग, चर्म रोग, रक्ताल्पत्ता, पीलिया, लीवर, हैजा, शिरोवरण, विषज व्याधियाँ,दाहज्वर, आदि | चंद्रमा की…
Read Moreश्रेणी: राशिफल
आप राशिफल की तलाश कर रहे हैं? तो आपका इंतज़ार अब खत्म हुआ! हम राशिफल पर आपको 12 राशियों के लिए सटीक और नवीनतम ज्योतिषीय भविष्यवाणियों की पेशकश की जाती है। प्यार, पारिवार, करियर, स्वास्थ्य और वित्त जैसे विषयों पर हमारे विशेषज्ञ ज्योतिषी आपको विस्तृत जानकारी प्रदान करते हैं। साथ ही, हमारा उपयोगकर्ता अनुकूल इंटरफ़ेस इसे नेविगेट करना आसान बनाता है। तो अभी राशिफल पर जाएं और जानें कि आपके लिए तारे क्या लेकर आ रहे हैं!
Aquarius Horoscope 2025: Know about your Love, Finance, Education and other details
According to the Yearly horoscope 2025 of Aquarius, this year will bring mixed results. Jupiter will transit through the fourth house. From May 2025, Jupiter will transit through the fifth house of the Aquarius sign, and from October to December 2025, Jupiter will transit through the sixth house of the Aquarius sign. The beginning of the year will be nothing less than a gift for you. You will succeed in all your work. The inflow of income will get better at your workplace. Aquarius Finance Horoscope 2025 If we talk…
Read MoreCapricorn Horoscope 2025: Know About Your Love, Career, Health
The year 2024 may have been like this for Capricorn people, but they will have a lot of expectations from the year 2025.let me tell youThe beginning of the year 2025 is going to be very wonderful for the people of the Capricorn zodiac sign. People worried about their careers will get relief. You can get full support from your family. This year, the luck of the people of this zodiac sign is going to shine. This year, students will get immense benefits in the field of education. Capricorn Finance…
Read MoreSagittarius Horoscope 2025: Know About Your Finance, Career, Love
Whatever the year 2024 may have been like for everyone, they will have much higher expectations from the coming year. If you are a Sagittarius then let us tell you that the year 2025 will bring many big changes in your life.You will get full support from your family, friends, everyone. In January 2025, Mercury will transit in Sagittarius, due to which you will be likely to get full support from higher officials.It has been observed that people with Sagittarius zodiac sign are generally wanderers by nature. These people are…
Read MoreScorpio Horoscope 2025: Know About Your Finance, Love, Health
If you are a Scorpio then let us tell you that the year 2025 is going to be great for you. Whatever you think will come true. According to Scorpio Yearly Horoscope 2025, at the beginning of the year, Jupiter will transit in the seventh house of Scorpio zodiac people.From May 2025, Jupiter will transit in the eighth house of Scorpio. From October to December 2025, Jupiter will transit in the ninth house. Scorpio Finance Horoscope 2025 Talking about the financial life of people of the Scorpio zodiac, you will…
Read MoreLibra Horoscope 2025: Know About Your Finance, Career, Love
If you are a Libra then let us tell you that the year 2025 will bring happiness for you. At the beginning of the year, Jupiter will transit in your eighth house.From May 2025, Jupiter will transit in the ninth house of Libra, and from October 2025 to December 2025, Jupiter will transit in the tenth house of Libra.This time will bring good luck and happiness in your life. You will get success in your efforts. All your work will be appreciated. If you are employed, you may have to…
Read MoreVirgo Horoscope 2025: Know About Your Finance, Education, Love
People born under the Virgo zodiac sign are known for their creativity, artistic abilities, and desire for perfection. You become irritated when you see something that has issues or is done incorrectly. With the energies of your ruling planet, Mercury, you have the ability to persuade others through your words and speech. The appropriate use of words is an art, and Virgos excels at it.As we delve into the Virgo horoscope 2025, we’ll explore the promising prospects in your personal, professional, and financial lives, dear Virgos. This year holds abundant…
Read MoreLeo Horoscope 2025: Know About Your Finance, Career, Love
If your zodiac sign is Leo then the year 2025 is going to be very special for you. You will get success in every field. Talking about businessmen and businessmen, this year you are seeing full opportunities for promotion meetings. With this you will be successful in achieving your goal.Mars enters Leo in June 2025, this time will be beneficial for those doing business. During this time, you will also get every prediction regarding love life, married life, family life, financial life, health life, etc., which has been prepared by…
Read MoreCancer Horoscope 2025: Know About Your Finance, Career, Love
It is said that it is not the same all the time. No matter how this year has been for you, the coming year will bring many changes in your life.The year 2025 can prove to be a year of auspicious results for Cancer people. Mars will transit in Cancer in April 2025, due to which you are likely to get a promotion.the beginning of the year, the self-confidence of people of Cancer zodiac sign will increase. According to Cancer Horoscope 2025, you will get auspicious results in the fields…
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